CATUABA is magical tree native to the Brazilian Amazon Basin, it is a plant of the most famous Brazilian aphrodisiac. As early as a few centuries ago, the Tupi Indian tribe that lived here, from generation to generation hav
Tupi Indian tribes have used CATUABA for countless generations .

Brazilian National Laboratory, Academic Medical Research and the U.S. Federal Reproduktif ScienceLaboratory Harvard University, the United States has been equally scientific research on Indian men and CATUABA Tupi. Michael Van Straten, a renowned British expert in medicinal plants research, said: This is one of the major therapeutic breakthrough in the field of erectile dysfunction, even more so, there is no evidence that long-term use can lead any side effects.

10 THE BEAUTY CATUABA1. Help men have a large penis size diameter and length as well as the ability of a strong sex2. Encourage expansion doubled the male sex organs3. Give men the body is very strong, healthy and vibrant4. CAN treat erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation (PE) and male sexual dysfunction.5. Balance the human body's hormones and promote secretion of male hormones.6. Promote the blood circulation, prevent cardiovascular disease7. Treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and frequent urination at night.8. Increasing the body's immune system9. Improve fatigue and anxiety problems10. However retention elderly ....* Men still have higher fertility after age 60.* Stay energized even at the age of 70* 80-year-old man but still enjoy sexual relations with their wives.
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